

Sealants are a simple and effective form of preventative dentistry that protect teeth from future decay. At Hawkins Dentistry, dental sealants are a common preventative service we provide to patients of all ages.

What Do Sealants Do?

Sealants coat the surfaces of your back teeth to prevent cavities. They do this by creating a barrier that blocks food and bacteria from attaching to your teeth and rotting them.

And they’re very effective at doing so. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out, sealants prevent 80% of cavities for two years, and then further prevents 50% of cavities for up to four years. That’s a lot of protection when it comes to your dental care! And that level of protection can mean less time in the dental chair undergoing costly and painful cavity work.

What are Dental Sealants Made of?

Dental sealants comprise dental materials, most commonly plastic, resin, polyacid, and glass ionomer. Though there is a small amount of BPA present in dental sealants, the American Dental Association (ADA) explains that it’s minimal, roughly the same amount you encounter when using cosmetics or touching a receipt.

Who Should Get Dental Sealants?

As we mentioned, we recommend dental sealants to just about every patient, though they can be especially effective for kids after they lose all their baby teeth. As their permanent teeth grow in, it’s crucial to ensure cavity prevention. This can be very difficult with children, who love candy and sugary sodas and may not have the best sense of responsibility at a young age.

Parents should absolutely consider dental sealants for their children to protect their permanent molars.

What is the Dental Sealant Process Like?

During the dental sealant process, your dental hygienist will clean your teeth and apply an acidic gel to their surfaces. This gel only stays on your teeth for a few seconds, but it works to roughen the tooth surface to ensure an effective bond with the pending sealant.

The dentist then paints the sealant liquid on tooth surfaces. The last step is to dry the sealant with a blue light so it will harden and create a thin protective barrier.

Have more questions about sealants? Please feel free to contact our office via phone, email, or schedule an appointment online.

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